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In the past, translations were done with the help of dictionaries and with a great deal of knowledge of grammar and spelling. Gradually, new idiomatic terms began to emerge and the language began to specialize in professional areas such as medicine, law, engineering, etc. As a result of these new specialties that required the translation of specific professional texts, dictionaries specialized in the different professional areas began to appear. Translating required a lot of time and dedication on the part of the translator.

As technology advanced, typewriters took a back seat and word processors began to gain ground. Printers made an incredible noise and only had black ink. But dictionaries were still the primary tool in translations.

Today, in the 21st century, translation methods have advanced dramatically. There are now virtual or digital dictionaries, computer programs created exclusively for translation, automated real-time translations (oral and written), transliteration, machine translation or robotic translations, and conversion of written texts into other language formats.

Previously, a text of a thousand words took 3 to 5 days, depending on the difficulty of the text to be translated. Now, with digital tools, the same text takes between 2 to 3 days. The appearance or creation of these modern translation tools has changed the way translators work and they must keep updated with the use of these tools to obtain good results in translations.

Nowadays, documents to be translated or translated can be sent by e-mail or text message, making this process even easier and faster.

Although these tools are very useful and increase the translator's productivity, we must not forget that, without the experience and knowledge of a professional translator, translations would only be word for word and not a meaningful translation. The translator puts his experience, his cultural knowledge of both languages, his common sense, and his human side. For example, a screwdriver is very useful to put in or take out screws, but without human common sense and knowledge, it would be useless.

At Traducy we have professional translators in English and Spanish, they know the culture and have extensive experience.

Call us at 385-977-8713 or email us at or visit our website: if you need help or if you would like to get your free quote or estimate.

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